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Please select what category of player you'd like to register:
- Complete the Respect in Sport Parent Online Course (RISP) which will be valid for 4 years. Please select NW HAWKS as the association (VERY IMPORTANT) or add a valid certificate to your RISP account under Child Management.
Make sure your child's name is listed in Profile > Child Management. This will help the RISP site to speak to Spordle which is Hockey Canada's registration site.
- Parent Declaration Form - Enter in the MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION SUBMISSION box, and attach your player birth certificate, Alberta Healthcare card and the front page of a current utility bill showing your name and address (water, gas, electricity).
Check your Respect in Sport Parent to make sure that it has not expired. If it is still valid, use your existing Spordle account for online registration. Register here.
*Important note for U13 players: If you wish to try out for CAC U13AA, register directly with CAC. If your player does not make a team with CAC, contact us before registering with the Hawks in order to receive the early bird discount.
You must "Add a Member" (sibling) from your Spordle account dashboard.
Select REGISTER NOW from the online registration link and then again select "register now"
Search for your player using the player's name and birthdate - if not found, select "Add a new member/participant."
Complete a Parent Declaration Form. Please enter in the MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION SUBMISSION box, and attach your player's birth certificate, Alberta Health Care card and the front page of a current utility bill showing your name and address (water, gas, electricity).
You may need to transfer to the Hawks from another club if you have moved from anywhere else in Canada, have been released from your previous association, or have permission to transfer out of your home association and into the Hawks.
Before requesting a transfer, you will need to make sure your Respect in Sport Parent is up to date. It must have been completed in the last three years to be valid for the upcoming season. Check your Respect in Sport Parent status now.
Then you will need to fill in a Parent Declaration Form on the Hockey Alberta website - one for each player that is transferring. Please have your proof of age documents on hand (birth certificate or passport) as you will need to upload these to the form.
Once you have completed these two steps, you may request a transfer using the form below - one form for each player.
- Volunteering at one bingo event is mandatory on behalf of each child in our program, to a maximum of two.
- If you do not want to work the mandatory bingo, it can be paid out for an extra $300.00 in fees at the time of registration only
- Paying out your bingo later in the season will be at a cost of $350.
- If you do not work your mandatory bingo(s) and do not pay them out in advance, there will be a $350 hold on your Spordle account. That will need to be paid before registering next year or before transferring to another club in the event your player is aging out of the Hawks.
- All cancellations require at least 48 hours' notice. Cancellations with less than 48 hours' notice will result in a $350 penalty that will need to be paid before registering your child in any hockey program for the coming season.
Registration fees are set by the Hawks Executive before the start of the season. Fees must be paid in full, and all documents received at registration to participate in the upcoming season. If this is not possible, appropriate arrangements must be made before participation in Hawks activities Contact the Hawks office through this form.
Players withdrawing from the Hawks may apply for a refund as follows:
- Before evaluations - refund of paid fees minus a $50.00 administration fee.
- During evaluations and before placement on a team - Refund of fees minus a $150.00 administration/evaluation fee.
- After placement on the team - registration fees are non-refundable.
Notwithstanding anything contained in any bylaw, regulation, or operating directive, or any other rule of the EMHA Board of Directors, Federation, Junior, or AA Hockey, registration as a player or member is not a right, but a privilege, and the EMHA Board of Directors reserves the right to refuse or revoke membership and or registration to anyone whose conduct or that of her parent, guardian or family has failed to comply with the values of our mission statement, vision statement or “Good of the Game” conduct requirements.
The hockey season is tentatively set to begin at the beginning of October, with evaluations in September.