and maybe a little outside Edmonton as well

Abbreviation Name Address
AGPArgyll Plaza Arena (Edmonton, AB)6225 - 100 St. NW
BHABill Hunter Arena (Edmonton, AB)9200 163rd St.
BHRBeacon Heights ODR (Edmonton, AB)12037 - 43 St. NW
CACCanadian Athletic Club Arena (Edmonton, AB)14640 142 St. NW
CDACastledowns Arena (Edmonton, AB)153 Ave. & 115 St.
CDBCastledowns Arena (Edmonton, AB)153 Ave. & 115 St.
CFAConfederation Arena (Edmonton, AB)11204 43 Ave.
COACoronation Arena (Edmonton, AB)13500 112 Ave.
CRACrestwood Arena (Edmonton, AB)9940 147 St.
CVAClareview Arena (Edmonton, AB)3804 139 Ave.
CVBClareview Arena (Edmonton, AB)3804 139 Ave.
CWACallingwood Recreation Centre (Edmonton, AB)17740 69th Ave.
CWBCallingwood Recreation Centre (Edmonton, AB)17740 69th Ave.
DOADonnan Arena (Edmonton, AB)9105 80 Ave.
EIBEdmonton IceBox (formerly Parkland Arena) (Edmonton, AB)10840 215 St. NW
ELMElmwood Park Community Rink (Edmonton, AB)12505 75 St. NW
GHAGrandview Heights Community Rink (Edmonton, AB)6223 124 St. NW
GLAGlengarry Arena (Edmonton, AB)13340 85 St. NW
GTAGrand Trunk Arena (Edmonton, AB)13025 112 St.
KCAKnights of Columbus Sports Complex (Edmonton, AB)13160 137 Ave.
KEAKenilworth Arena (Edmonton, AB)8313 68A St.
KILKilkenny Community League (Edmonton, AB)14910 72 St.
KMAKinsmen Twin Arenas (Edmonton, AB)1979 111 St. NW
KMBKinsmen Twin Arenas (Edmonton, AB)1979 111 St. NW
LOALondonderry Arena (Edmonton, AB)14520 66 St.
MCAMichael Cameron Arena (Edmonton, AB)10404 56 St.
MCDMcLeod Community League (Edmonton, AB)14715 59 St. NW
MWAMill Woods Arena (Edmonton, AB)7207 28 Ave.
MWBMill Woods Arena (Edmonton, AB)7207 28 Ave.
NTANAIT Arena (Northern Alberta Institute of Technology) (Edmonton, AB)109 St. NW & Princess Elizabeth Ave. NW
OLAOliver Arena (Edmonton, AB)10335 119 St.
RBARuss Barnes Arena (formerly Santa Rosa Arena) (Edmonton, AB)6725 121 Ave.
RCLRosslyn Community League (Edmonton, AB)11015 134 Ave. NW
RPARexall Place (formerly Northlands Coliseum) (Edmonton, AB)119 Ave. NW & Wayne Gretzky Dr.
SSAGeorge S. Hughes South Side Arena (Edmonton, AB)10525 72 Ave. NW
TIATipton Arena (Edmonton, AB)10828 80 Ave.
UABClare Drake Arena (Edmonton, AB)87 Ave. NW (& 115 St.)
WWAWestwood Arena (Edmonton, AB)12040 97 St.

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