Players registered with the Hawks Athletic Club for are grouped by age into categories determined by the guidelines of Hockey Edmonton. The age of the player as of December 31 of the current year determines the category where they are placed
- U7 - Discovery
Discovery is a learn to skate program, for players learning to move and skate while wearing hockey equipment. For 4 year olds as of December 31. Sessions occur on weekends, once per week.
Jr. Timbits - Jr. Timbits is an Introduction to Hockey Skill Development. For 5 year olds as of December 31, or by ability/development level. Sessions occur on weekends, once per week.
Sr. Timbits is an Introduction to Cross-Ice Hockey. For 6 year old's as of December 31, or by ability/development level. Sessions occur on weekends, twice per week. - U9 (Formerly NOVICE)
Novice Hockey is the Introduction to Half Ice Hockey. For 7 and 8 year old's as of December 31. Sixteen half-ice games, 30 half-ice practices. - U11 (Formerly ATOM)
Atom hockey continues with the formation of tiered teams that play city-wide. The players will still vary from beginners that are learning basic hockey skills to those that have more experience. For 9 and 10 year old's as of December 31. - U13 (Formerly PEEWEE)
Peewee hockey continues with the formation of tiered teams that play city-wide. The players will still vary from beginners that are learning basic hockey skills to those that have more experience. For 11 and 12 year old's as of December 31.
Click below for more information on your specific age group.
Questions about getting started? Drop us a line to find out more!
Effervescere quicquam tepescunt tegi agitabilis mentes mutatas.