Table of Contents

    1.0 Coaching

    Thank you for volunteering to coach for the Hawks Athletic Club (HAC). Your time and effort are invaluable, and as a coach, you play a key role in shaping players' experiences and development, both as hockey players and as members of our community.

    This Team Manual is designed to help prepare you for your role, providing the essential information to successfully lead your team. While no manual can make you a perfect coach, your success will depend on your commitment to developing the technical, interpersonal, and leadership skills required for the position. By dedicating yourself to this growth, coaching will be a rewarding experience for you, your child, and your team.

    The success of our hockey program relies on coaches who commit to the following:

    • Ensure that all players in the program are treated fairly and respectfully.
    • Ensure that each player is provided ample opportunity and attention to improve upon their on-ice hockey skills - through well-planned practice sessions and positive feedback during games.
    • Ensure that each player develops positive team/sportsmanship skills.
    • Ensure that our children have a fun and enriching experience.
    • Ensure to work cooperatively and positively with parents throughout the season.

    1.1 Coaching Conduct

    Head coaches of the Hawks Athletic Club are fully responsible for all activities of their team.

    Delegating responsibilities to assistant coaches, trainers, managers, and parents is necessary, desirable, and encouraged; however, the ultimate responsibility for all aspects of team activities rests with the head coach.

    1.2 Role of the Coach

    As a coach, your influence on your team's behavior is significant. It's essential to lead by example, both on and off the ice, and to be a role model for your players. Consistently demonstrate and uphold the values of fair play and respect for teammates, officials, and opponents in every situation.

    1.3 Guidelines and Expectations

    Coaches and team management are expected to:

    1. Respond to the directives of the Hawks Athletic Club and operate the team within established policies and guidelines.
    2. Respond to the needs and skills of individual players, ensuring that each player has the maximum opportunity to develop their on-ice potential.
    3. Recognize your responsibilities as leaders, educators and role models for young players. Conduct toward players, parents, officials and other persons should be based on mutual respect and be fair and reasonable. Physical abuse, verbal abuse, or profanity is not accepted.
    4. Be sensitive to parental concerns and be prepared to respond cordially when warranted.
    5. Establish regular positive communication with parents
    6. Ensure proper supervision of the team - before, during, and after all games and practices - and accept responsibility for the conduct, safety and well-being of your players.
    7. Pursue objections to directives or policy through appropriate channels and in a manner that is not detrimental to the team, league or the Hawks Athletic Club.
    8. Hold a parent meeting prior to the beginning of regular league play and at appropriate intervals during the season. Ensure the selection of a parent representative to act as a liaison between parents and coaches.

    Success as a coach requires much more than achieving a good win-to-loss ratio. Much more important is the development of the athletes under your guidance.

    1.4 Hawks Athletic Club Code of Ethics

    1. The primary role of the coach is to lead his/her team in a healthy and positive manner, demonstrating excellent sportsmanship along with a competitive spirit.
    2. The key to being a successful coach is demonstrating positive and healthy leadership. You are a role model for both players and parents and you should conduct yourself with care, fairness and respect.
    3. The good coach instills in players the “team spirit” with a will to win as well as the ability to accept loss with sportsmanship. As a coach, you must demonstrate respect for officials and opponents and expect it from your players.
    4. The coach must treat all players fairly with respect to ice time and discipline.
    5. Coaches found to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol while performing in an official capacity will face suspension or expulsion.
    6. Coaches must be organized and prepared for practice in order to maximize the development of players. There must also be a development program for their goalies.
    7. Verbal or physical abuse of players or parents will not be tolerated. Any violation by a Hawks Athletic Club coach will result in suspension or expulsion.

    1.5 Recognition and Prevention of Abuse

    Hockey Canada and the Hawks Athletic Club are part of a sporting community in our country committed to seeking better ways to keep our youth safe. Protecting participants from all forms of abuse or neglect, whether emotional, physical or sexual, is an important element of safety.  Hockey Canada considers any form of abuse or neglect to be unacceptable and will do all it can to prevent this intolerable social problem. To this end, Hockey Canada will promote awareness of all forms of abuse and neglect by providing educational materials and programs for participants, parents, volunteers and staff members. Through the use of these strategies, we will send a clear message to all potential abusers and sexual predators that hockey participants are not easy targets. Hockey Canada is committed to the highest possible standards of care for its participants.  A number of initiatives are in place including information campaigns, development of new standards for volunteers and awareness of the means for reporting incidents.

    1.6 Coaching Qualifications

    All team "hard cards" (rosters) have to be completed by October 31 in order to be submitted by the registrar before November 15th.

    The minimum requirement for all Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches is to have a valid Respect in Sport Activity Leader course qualification and a valid police check. This course expires on May 1st, every four years and must be renewed to maintain this qualification.

    All head coaches and assistant coaches must possess a valid Respect in Sport Activity Leader qualification before being allowed on the bench or ice. Hockey Edmonton will consider suspension if there are coaches on the bench or ice without this qualification. There is no designation of “On-Ice Helper” or “On-Ice Parent Helper.” Anyone assisting on the ice is considered an Assistant Coach and must obtain the Respect in Sport Activity Leader qualification. Every adult helping on the ice is classified as an Assistant Coach, must be added to the team roster, and must obtain the Respect in Sport Activity Leader qualification to be on the ice with our teams. There are no exceptions to this rule, regardless of how often the parent/helper is on the ice.

    All coaches working with Hawks Athletic Club teams require a Vulnerable Sector police check done within the last three years.

    Please note that the Respect in Sport Activity Leader course is different from the Respect in Sport Parent course. The Respect in Sport Activity Leader course cost is reimbursable upon submission of a receipt. Submit a receipt using the button below.

    All coaching requirements and courses can be found on the Hockey Alberta website at

    The Hawks Athletic Club encourages coaches to obtain at least a Canadian Hockey Coach Level Certificate issued by Hockey Canada. In addition to the Respect in Sport Activity Leader course, the Hawks Athletic Club will reimburse coaches attending mandatory certification clinics as follows:

    • Coach 1 (Intro to Coach) (both the online and on-ice portions)
    • Coach 2 (Coach Level) (both the online and on-ice portions)
    • Safety (online course)
    • Checking Skills (both the online and on-ice portions)

    Coaches may seek reimbursement from the club by providing their receipt and proof of course attendance below. The Hawks will reimburse coaches for attending these clinics, but pre-approval must be sought from your category director if you seek certification above what is required to coach your team. Reimbursement will be made once the course has been completed.

    2.0 Organization and Team Structure

    2.1 Hard Cards (team rosters)

    The head coach and manager will receive the hard card via email. Updated hard cards will be sent to coaches as new information becomes available. Only the coaches and players listed on the hard card are insured and allowed on the ice or bench during practices or games.

    Once all changes and additions have been finalized, the official hard cards will be sent to the Head Coach and Team Manager. This will occur sometime after November 15.

    The coaching staff must have the hard card readily available at all games and be prepared to present it if requested.

    2.2 Criminal Record Check (Police Security Check) and Vulnerable Sector Search

    1. All coaches and assistant coaches with the Hawks Athletic Club must have a Criminal Record Check and Vulnerable Sector Search done every three years. The Police Security Checks can now be done online with the Edmonton Police Service. If you need to request a police check for yourself, use the form below and we will input a request on our end.
    2. All information contained in the Criminal Record Check (aka Police Check) and Vulnerable Sector Search will be kept confidential by the Hawks Athletic Club.
    3. The results will be emailed to you. You must provide a PDF of the results to the Hawks Athletic Club via the form below.

    2.3 Team Name

    Hockey Edmonton uses a five digit team number for identification purposes - two letters indicate what organization your team is from and three numbers uniquely identify the team as to the category.  The Hawks team numbers currently range from HK001 to HK505.

    Please note that there is no space between the HK and the three-digit number - it is one collective number: HK501, for example.

    Your team name is "Hawks" plus your team number plus “(dash) - Hawks”.  That is, Hawks HK501, for example, and this is how your team will be listed on both the Hawks website and Hockey Edmonton’s website and this is your official team name.

    2.5 Delegation of Responsibilities

    A successful season depends on the involvement of the entire parent group. It is impossible for one person to handle all the tasks required for the team's operation. Delegating responsibilities not only reduces your workload but also fosters cooperation and friendships among parents and players. The head coach’s role may simply be to oversee these efforts and ensure they are completed. It’s helpful to enlist volunteers early in the season when enthusiasm is high. Be clear and specific when communicating the responsibilities you'd like them to take on. The following positions should be filled:

    • Team Manager
    • Treasurer
    • Parent Liaison (mandatory)
    • Jersey Parents (we recommend one set of parents for home jerseys and another for away jerseys)
    • Timekeepers (several should be chosen to reduce the commitment)
    • Fundraising Committee
    • Minor Hockey Week or Jamboree volunteers

    2.6 Team Manager

    The team manager will be your most valuable asset, so it is important to choose someone you are comfortable working closely with. Their role is to assist with or take full responsibility for the off-ice organization of the team. If you have difficulty finding a suitable volunteer, please contact your Category Director for assistance. The duties performed by the manager will vary from team to team and should be agreed upon at the first opportunity. Together, the coach and manager may decide to further delegate responsibilities to other parents if appropriate.

    The duties of the manager include:

    1. Have all parents, players, and coaching staff sign the "For the Good of the Game Fair Play Pledge" form. All players, parents, and coaching staff must sign their own names. Each team will be contacted by our Good of the Game Director, Shawn Melnyk, who will provide direction, instructions, and timelines for submitting the pledge.
    2. Ensure the completion of the Player Medical Information Form for every player on the team. These forms should be kept in your manager’s binder/folder and are confidential, to be used only in case of a medical emergency. If a medical condition requires the head coach’s awareness, consult with the parent(s) and have them convey the details to the coach.
    3. Keep copies of the Hockey Canada Injury Report Form in your binder for parents to fill out in case of an injury. This form can also be found on the Hawks website. It must be completed for injuries to any player, coach, spectator, or other individual at a sanctioned hockey event. It may also be required by private insurance for reimbursement.
    4. Prepare and distribute a team contact list that includes players' names, jersey numbers, phone numbers, parents' names, and most importantly, both (or more) parent/guardian's email addresses.

    2.6.2 Volunteer Positions Filled

    Ensure all off-ice volunteer positions are filled, including a Parent Representative who is not involved in the day-to-day operations of the team and is selected or elected by the parents.

    2.6.3 Parent Meetings

    Organize several parent meetings throughout the season, holding no fewer than three. Prepare an agenda in advance.

    2.6.4 Policies and Procedures

    Assist the coach in ensuring that the team operates within the policies and procedures of the Hawks Athletic Club and other governing bodies of minor hockey.

    2.6.5 Conduct of Players, Parents, and Team Officials

    Assist the coach in establishing and enforcing rules for the conduct of players, parents, and team officials both on and off the ice. The manager should play an important role in monitoring off-ice behavior.

    2.6.6 Team Finances

    a. Work with the treasurer, coaches, and parents to develop a team budget based on expected expenses and revenues.

    b. Organize a fundraising committee to meet the team’s financial needs.

    c. Ensure that the treasurer prepares and distributes a financial statement detailing income and expenditures to all parents three times during the season, coinciding with parent meetings.

    2.6.7 RAMP Digital Game Sheets

    Hockey Edmonton requires teams to use the RAMP web interface for entering game sheets, applying for permits (sanction numbers) for exhibition games, practices outside city limits, tournaments, etc.

    2.6.8 Schedules

    Prepare and distribute practice and game schedules. All assigned practice ice and games will automatically upload to the RAMP site mentioned above. TeamSnap is to be used for internal scheduling and communication. Parents are expected to read messages and update player availability accordingly.

    2.6.9 Team Pictures

    The Hawks Athletic Club covers the cost of team pictures at the "Basic Package" rate. The Hawks will coordinate the pictures and photographer. Parents are free to purchase additional items.

    2.6.10 Team Apparel

    Currently, team apparel is handled at the team level. If your team wishes to purchase apparel, you will need to add it to your fundraising budget.

    2.6.11 Game Day Responsibilities

    a. Prepare game sheets using the RAMP Gamesheets App as required by Hockey Alberta. If manual sheets are necessary, refer to the example in the resources section.

    b. Organize parents to serve as timekeepers during games. TeamSnap allows you to enter positions that need to be filled and parents can sign up for what they are available for.

    c. Approve the game sheet in the RAMP Gamesheets App after the game and submit it. Ensure goals and penalties are correctly entered. Suspension penalties will apply after a certain number of cumulative penalty minutes taken by an individual player.

    2.6.12 Minor Hockey Week Volunteer Requirements

    Organize volunteers from your team for Minor Hockey Week to assist with duties such as timekeeping, roster checking, and collecting admission fees.

    2.6.13 Extra Ice

    Coordinate desired extra ice time with the coach, using assigned ice from the Hawks Ice Allocator (Garrison ice) or by booking City of Edmonton ice at the Hockey Edmonton rate. Permits must be obtained for practice ice outside the City of Edmonton.

    2.6.14 Exhibition Games

    Organize exhibition games with the head coach’s consultation. Obtain permits and book referees as needed.

    2.6.15 Tournaments

    Coordinate tournament entries in consultation with the head coach. Obtain a permit for tournament entries, and ensure all league games are rescheduled before applying for a travel permit.

    2.6.16 Distribution and Collection of Team Equipment

    Assist in distributing and collecting team equipment, including jerseys, pant shells, pucks, pylons, goalie equipment, first aid kits, and coaching boards, at the end of the season.

    2.7 Treasurer

    The treasurer will maintain the team bank account, make bank deposits and ensure payment of expenses. They will also prepare a financial statement of income and expenditures no less than three times per season for distribution to all parents. Treasurers will also prepare a year-end financial statement at the end of the season to be submitted to the Hawks Athletic Club.

    2.7.1 Team Bank Accounts

    Your bank account has been setup and used by the team with the same name as yours last year. The previous users have been removed and you will be added to the account at the beginning of the season.

    Two‑to‑Sign Account

    It is the Hawks Athletic Club's policy that no one individual has complete authority over a financial transaction. When you initiate an Interac e-transfer, the other person on your account will need to approve it before it is sent. They can approve by signing in.

    Use of Personal Bank Accounts - All team expenses must be drawn from the team bank account.

    Ice Invoices - All Hawks’ ice invoices must be paid by e-transfer to

    Receipt of Cash - All cash received must be properly receipted by the treasurer.

    2.7.2  Budget Preparation

    Work with the team manager to develop a budget to cover additional expenses arising during the season, as determined by the parental group. This might include the costs of extra ice time for practices, exhibition games, tournaments, social events, team merchandise, goalie training, laundry supplies etc.

    2.7.3  Financial Reporting

    Ensure that a financial report is given to the parents approximately every two months or when changes occur throughout the year. At the end of the season, all funds must be dispersed.

    2.7.4  Year-End Financial Statement

    A year-end financial statement detailing all income and expenditures must be submitted to the Hawks Athletic Club Office at the end of the season. Get the template here.

    2.7.5 Management of Team Finances

    Management of team finances is typically the responsibility of the team treasurer and the manager. Funds may be raised through various methods, including raffles, sales, donations, and other initiatives.

    It is crucial to note that the Hawks Athletic Club operates as a Non-Profit Society. Consequently, the club cannot issue tax receipts for donations of any kind. The Hawks can provide a letter of acknowledgment for funds received from a sponsor.

    2.7.6  Responsibility for Funds

    The Hawks Athletic Club will not be responsible for funds held in team accounts and will not be responsible for over-expenditures.

    2.7.7 Referee Fee Management and Contingency Policies

    At the start of the season, each team will receive funds covering the total amount of their regular-season referee fees, minus $200.00 and the referee fees for playoff games.

    A designated individual—typically the head coach or the manager—must handle referee fee payments. The referee fee amount will be transferred into your team account at the beginning of the season by the club. You can e-transfer the amount to the head coach or manager to handle referee fees for the season.

    The club will directly reimburse teams after playoffs based on the number of playoff games played.

    The $200.00 deducted at the start of the season serves as a contingency fee to cover potential damages or losses of jerseys. This amount will be reimbursed along with playoff referee fees, provided that:

    1. All team jerseys and equipment are returned to the Hawks Athletic Club.
    2. The team submits their Year-End Financial Statement.
    3. All ice invoices are paid in full

    Final reimbursements will be made directly to the team’s bank account.

    Damaged or Missing Jerseys/EQUIPMENT

    If a jersey is irreparably damaged or lost, $150.00 will be deducted from the team’s referee fee reimbursement for each affected jersey. It is the team’s responsibility to contact the player’s parents to recover the $150.00. Other equipment items that are not returned or are not in usable condition will result in a deduction from the $200 contingency fee.

    2.7.8 Exhibition Games

    The club does not reimburse teams for referee fees for exhibition games or tournament games.

    2.8  Jersey Parents

    These volunteers will be responsible for the care of the jerseys. Ideally, you should have an “Away” jersey parent and a “Home” jersey parent. Team jerseys are not to be distributed to players. Each set is to be carried in one team jersey bag and washed by the jersey parent(s).

    2.9  Timekeepers

    It is often better if 3 or 4 volunteers can be arranged to become familiar with the job and alternate to make it a smaller commitment. Timekeepers require a phone or tablet with the RAMP Game Sheets App to enter game stats during the game, and should be familiar with the process and resources.

    2.10 Parent Liaison

    Each team is REQUIRED to elect or select a Parent Liaison who is not involved in the day to day operation of the team. The purpose of the Parent Liaison is to play a central role in communication by:

    1. Serving as a communication intermediary between team officials and parents to ensure that pertinent information is disseminated.
    2. Bringing forth concerns of parents to team officials and of team officials to parents.
    3. Pointing out potential problems to team officials and parents before problems occur.
    4. Acting as an intermediary between parents and team officials when disputes arise.

    The vast majority of problems can be settled quickly simply by effective communication. Many other problems can be averted by communicating objectives and plans to parents during regular meetings. When all else fails, a calm third party is often your best means of dealing with any friction that may arise.

    2.11  Fundraising Committee

    Depending on your team’s fundraising goals, a committee of two or more people may be required to explore ideas and put projects in motion.

    2.11.1 raffles

    If your team is holding a raffle, you must get a Raffle License online from the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission ( You must take out the raffle license in the name of your team and give your own address (NOT the address of the Hawks Athletic Club). After your raffle is over you must submit the Raffle License Report to the Alberta Gaming & Liquor Association. The Hawks are not responsible for team raffles or the ensuing AGLC Report that must be completed and submitted to the AGLC at the conclusion of your event.

    2.11.2 SPONSORSHIP

    If your team is fortunate enough to receive a donation or sponsorship from an organization or business, that’s great! Sponsor logos are permitted on apparel (track suits, hoodies, etc.) and on bench banners and dressing room banners. You may not place a sponsor name bar, logo patch, or anything else on Hawks’ game jerseys. Finally, also note that you cannot incorporate a sponsor’s name into your team name even in an unofficial capacity.

    2.13 social committee

    This committee will organize social functions for the team.

    2.14 Minor Hockey Week or Jamboree Representative

    This volunteer would enlist and schedule volunteers to cover your team’s responsibilities during Minor Hockey Week or Hockey Edmonton Jamboree Events for U7.




    Ultimately, all Minor Hockey programs are responsible to the parents. Criticism from parents most commonly revolves around problems with communication. Regularly planned meetings are an effective means of communication. A minimum of 3 or 4 meetings should probably be held during the season with the first scheduled as soon as possible after formation of the team.


    3.2.1 for the good of the game

    A consistent and fair approach to behaviour and discipline, which has been communicated to and discussed with players and parents early in the season, is an important means of making hockey an enjoyable, rewarding, and positive experience. On the ice, the standard is determined by the rules of play which are enforced by the referees. On the bench, in the dressing rooms, and in the stands, it is sometimes necessary for team officials to remind players, and sometimes other officials and parents, that sportsmanship is for all participants.

    All players and parents must sign the For the Good of the Game sheet and adhere to its guidelines. The signed FOR THE GOOD OF THE GAME sheet must be submitted to the Hawk by such date as you are notified. Failure to submit this form by the due date may result in the Head Coach being suspended until such time as the form is submitted.

    Keep control of the players on the bench and do not allow derogatory comments to be made to teammates, opponents, officials, or fans. A player set on the correct course early in their career will usually continue on this path. In the dressing room, it may be necessary to set specific rules such as no throwing of tape balls, swearing, etc. It is useful to publish these rules and distribute a copy to all players and parents. It is also important to positively encourage and promote the development of sportsmanship including recognition of efforts of teammates, referees, and opposing players. Sometimes it is necessary to remind team officials and parents that their behaviour is often the example from which young players learn.

    Harassment of officials or the opposing team is never acceptable. Players and officials will receive ejections or suspensions levied by Hockey Alberta, Hockey Edmonton, or the Hawks Athletic Club Discipline Committee. Unruly fans may be asked to leave the rink by the referees, Hockey Edmonton Category Directors, HAC Category Directors (for HAC fans only), HAC Executive member, or the Zone Director. Failure to leave the rink results in forfeiture of the game. Be aware of “horseplay” at practices and during games, and control this in a positive manner. Many unnecessary injuries occur as a result of horseplay. Also, remember that your team may be held financially responsible for any damage to property that arises as a result of horseplay. Most problems with parents and players can be avoided by effective communication before problems arise, hence the importance of Parent meetings and the Parent Representative. However, when concerns do arise between parents and team officials, the following procedure should be followed:


    A dispute or concern should be routed according to the following steps:

    1. Direct conversation with the Coach. (Or, if the coach is involved, contact the Parent Liaison first).
    2. Report to the Parent Representative of the team.
    3. Report to your Category Director.
    4. Report to the Hawks Athletic Club Disputes representative via email


    A dispute or concern should be routed according to the following steps:

    1. Direct conversation with the parent.
    2. Report to the Parent Representative of the team.
    3. Report to your Category Director.
    4. Report to the Hawks Athletic Club Disputes representative via email


    Please be objective with your concerns and include as much detail as possible in your email. We must see evidence of attempts to rectify the situation before it comes to the Disputes Director. Where possible and appropriate, the Disputes Director will conduct investigations to ensure a fair resolution.

    4.0 rules and regulations

    4.1 League Games

    Your category director will provide you with your schedules for league and playoff games. The city-wide Tiering Committee meets after each round and a new schedule is supplied for each round and the playoffs. Please familiarize yourself with the Standards of Play and the Rules and Regulations, both linked below.

    Schedules are also posted on the EFHL website.

    Items of note:

    • Referees must be paid in cash prior to starting the game. Please have the correct amount on hand
    • Regular league, playoff, and Minor Hockey Week games take priority over exhibition and tournament games. If you have a conflict that can’t be avoided, changes can be made but with difficulty. Have your manager refer to the Manager Guide on how to reschedule a game.
    • If you have concerns with the officiating, put them in writing and contact your Category Director. Do not confront referees directly. Any perceived or real abuse of referees will result in serious suspensions.
    • With respect to WRITE-UPS: If you are UNSURE as to the suspension (or possible suspension) of the player(s) involved in the write-up and you cannot get immediate clarification from your Category Director,  please err on the side of caution and do not play the player in question in the next game until you are absolutely sure of what the suspension requirements are. Remember that you, as the head coach, can be suspended for playing an ineligible player.