There are no available ice rentals at this moment.
The Hawks Athletic Club is a member of Hockey Edmonton and has been providing organized hockey in northwest Edmonton since 1987. The Hawks Athletic Club is open to all children ages 4 through 12, residing north of Stony Plain Road and the MacKinnon Ravine to the city boundary and 97 Street west to the city limits.
You will find our program fun, exciting and competitive, with our main goal being the development of skating and hockey skills.
Neighbourhoods: Albany, Athlone, Baranow, Baturyn, Beaumaris, Britannia Youngstown, Caernarvon, Calder, Canora, Canossa, Carlisle, Carlton, Central McDougall, Chambery, Cumberland, Dovercourt, Downtown, Dunluce, Elsinore, Glenora, Goodridge Corners, Grovenor, Hawks Ridge, High Park, Hudson, Inglewood, Kensington, Lauderdale, Lorelei, Mayfield, McQueen, North Glenora, Oliver, Oxford, Pembina, Prince Charles, Prince Rupert, Queen Mary Park, Rapperswill, Rural West Big Lake, Sherbrooke, Starling, Trumpeter Area, Wellington, Westmount, Westview Village and Woodcroft.
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